Using Teamviewer Quick Support is a straightforward process:
After downloading the appropriate version, just run it and forward the unique connection ID and the automatically generated password to your Champion Consulting technical support staff. The remote support session will start as soon as the support engineer initiates it from his side and allows him to remote control your desktop as well as transfer files (like firmware updates and/or diagnostic files) to and from your computer.
Champion Consulting honors your privacy and will never transfer any data to/from your computer without your permission !
<p>The following security features are included for the QuickSupport module:</p>
<li><strong>No permanent installation:</strong><br />It is merely an executable file. After exiting or deleting this file, TeamViewer can no longer be started.</li>
<li><strong>Access ends as soon as the program is closed:</strong><br />As soon as you close the application, it is no longer possible to connect to your computer.</li>
<li><strong>All actions are visible to the user:</strong><br />It is not possible to establish a hidden connection. A session information window is always displayed at the bottom right edge of the monitor during a TeamViewer session.</li>
<li><strong>No hidden file transfer in the background:</strong><br />If files are being copied, an additional dialog window always opens at the customer side in the center of the monitor and indicates which files are being transferred.</li>
<li><strong>User who is sitting in front of the computer has priority:</strong><br />The control of the user sitting directly in front of the computer has always priority over remote control.</li>
Team Viewer
Click below to download Champion Consulting TeamViewer Quick Support for remote assistance from one of our technicians.
The benefits of using remote support are:
All our Remote Support sessions are private and highly secure – so your data is completely safe. We can only access your system after you have given us permission.
Remote Support helps us deal with your issues more quickly.
You can relax in the comfort of your own home while we work our magic.
You can decide on a time when you would like the technician to connect to the PC. We offer our remote support services at a time which suits you.
As long as you’re within the UK and have a stable internet connection.
It’s much less hassle than arranging for an engineer to visit your house, and less expensive too!