File version: $Id: CHANGELOG 12307 2024-09-15 23:28:57
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1995 - 2024 Champion Consulting, LLC. All rights reserved.
License: Champion License version 3.0 or later; see LICENSE.txt
1. Copyright and disclaimer
This application is software released under the Champion License (3.0).
Please see source code and the LICENSE file
2. Changelog
This is a non-exhaustive (but still near complete) changelog for
(Champion CMS), including beta and release candidate versions.
Our thanks to all those people who've contributed bug reports and code fixes.
* -> Security Fix
# -> Bug Fix
$ -> Language fix or change
+ -> Addition
^ -> Change
- -> Removed
! -> Note
This is a summary of the changes that have made upon the Champion CMS.
The complete changelog file is kept by Champion Consulting Team.
## Champion 6.8.0
Redactor upgrade and implementation
Calendar block
Updates to code fixing some minor user bugs, cleaner code
## Champion 6.7.0
Beta HTML import feature fixes
New menu widget that works with HTML import
Updates to code fixing some minor user bugs
## Champion 6.6.2
Beta HTML import feature fixes
New menu widget that works with HTML import
Updates to code fixing some minor user bugs
## Champion 6.6.0
Beta HTML import feature
Improved navigation menu functionality
Updates to code fixing some minor user bugs
## Champion 6.5.0
Navigation widget - improved functionality and user friendly
Leaner code
Updates to code fixing some minor user bugs
## Champion 6.4.0
Leaner code (over 1000 files less than previous versions)
Bug fixes for HTML export
Updates to code fixing some minor user bugs
## Champion 6.3.0
added HTML export
Fixed a number of minor bugs for PHP8.
## Champion 6.2.0
Cleaner code
Fixed a number of minor bugs for PHP8.
## Champion 6.1.0
Updates so it is easier to customize an HTML template. See the new, easier template format 12.
Fixed a number of minor bugs for PHP8.
The feature limitations of Champion Core (free for most) are:
Limited to 1 user.
Automatic upgrade feature is not available.
## Champion 6.0.0
Champion 6 General Updates:
Config.php is now replaced by JSON storage in a folder called "championcore".
JSON will open up lots of possibilities for 3rd Party Developers to get into.
JSON also means password is now no longer able to be seen in plain text. The password is hashed and salted and no longer printed naked in config file - using bcrypt. Is now as strong as the server and difficult to hack.
New settings page - control all from settings. No longer need to edit config.php when install just upload and go to /admin/ (password is "demo"). If want to edit on the code level championcore > storage > config.json / but shouldn't be needed. Config.php is just needed for the initial login.
Settings now has dropdown option for all time zones.
You can now include blocks outside of the main Champion page area and still process Champion tags within them. E.g in template and tags inside Blocks will be processed.
Championcore added to template.php to style core elements needed like buttons or blog tags, but designers can leave out or override with their stylesheets should they wish.
Dashboard added! Now get quick shortcuts to all pages including last worked on blocks, blogs, backups quick links, last media added along with dates and file size. // (leaves space in future to be updated with notes spaces, down time, stats etc)
New notes for clients on dashboard. Add Block dashboard-notes.txt (dashnotes) and anything you type in there will appear on the front after login. It's a space the developer can add notes such as shortcodes needed for site, add own contact details for contact etc.
The path is now auto-detected - so install is just deploy to server and visit /admin/install.php - login with "demo" then go to settings and change what you need!
Reqs information now included in admin/install.php for easier server checking after uploading (diag.php now install.php)
Recommend in most cases run the admin/install.php page firstly to auto-set the path, no need to set it and will run super smoothly!
Anyone still using less than PHP 5.6 gets redirected to install.php to make them realize they have to upgrade - even PHP 5.3 ended security support in August 2014! Minimum now PHP 5.6
PHP7 compatibility! Upgrade to PHP7 to get a really fast, secure and powerful website
PHP8 compatibility! Upgrade to PHP8 to get a relly fast, secure and powerful website.
Champion no longer requires a serial number! Just install it on as many sites as you want to make.
Users -- Champion 6 Slim & Full
New user "Editor" added. This user cannot see the settings page and can only edit content. Good for client user.
Designer (admin) can change their password (which is also hashed) and add 2-step authentication. This also includes secure forgot password emailing functionality.
Designer can restrict what pages / blocks the editor can edit. For example, just want to create a blog for a client, you can do that now.
Text Editor
Latest Redactor Editor includes many bug fixes, better mobile use, support for powerful code mirror in HTML mode, classes/ids on images for things like animation or lightboxes, added snippets (such as "more" for blog posts), can paste as plain text automatically and many more.
Redactor II added. Sharp and sleek icons in the toolbar and more plugin compatibility and bug fixes in the editor.
Can use Redactor Editor on Pages or just HTML. No longer client scary!
Added "MORE" to Redactor toolbar.
Redactor Font color, Font family and Font size options added!
Markdown now in Blocks.
Issue with pasted links in a text.
Improved some improvements when a text inserting from MS Word.
Spam mails are annoying. Easily and securely paste an email address into a Block with a button - which auto makes mailto: and @ in the source code, so invisible to all spambots.
Videos embedded from YouTube/Vimeo or other sites will be automatically responsive and display in columns of narrow width or on mobile devices.
Blocks can now move folders! There is a select below the text editor.
New page or block creation now has a radio button for "page" or "folder" and auto adds .txt to pages and blocks so more user-friendly.
Embed individual blocks on non-Champion template pages like previous Champion versions. Embed URLs are now included for blog, blocks and galleries to add to non-Champion template pages that are in the same folder (HTML and PHP options). -- go to the bottom of the block and select "Embed" button for embedded tag (Champion), embed URL, embed HTML & embed PHP.
Forgot password added. Sends email to user registered in settings.
Customize login stylesheet added in admin / admin.css so designers can easily style the login page.
2-step authentication added - this is cool - so can lock down with smartphone verification for extra security with a secret key. Use the Google Authenticator app to access Champion admin, along with the usual password.
Login has its own CSS file login.css to make it easy to customize the login screen.
Gorgeous login UI added based on popular Aero login addon. Image, icon can be changed in the "Branding" folder (in Media section), and colors are easy to change in the admin.css.
Security fix for Contact Form - latest version of PHP Mailer added.
Error reporting is now always on for developers.
Various security fixes and tightening of file permissions among other things.
New tag to add One Time Password to any page on front-end - not just password plugin using: {{sb_login:test:1234567890:testblock}}
Latest jQuery included! (3.x.x)
Sanitisation for private directories and turning off access to private urls. Adding rules to the .htaccess to block access too.
htaccess and index.html files added in some directories to stop content and stats being reached from an absolute URL - more security features.
Offsite emailed backup to admin's email so a backup is kept on the server and off the server. This can still be switched off in the settings.
Admin UI ships in English, German, Japanese, Dutch, Hungarian, Polish, Czech and Slovak. These can be easily changed in-app with the new Language Selector in Settings.
WYSIWYG Editor is also translated to those languages for a full localized experience.
Multilingual out of the box! Use the {{localizer:block}} tag to translate your content into any language you want. And use links like Deutsch to change the language on your site.
UTF-8 in all blocks so non-English characters now render correctly.
More language variables added for Bounce rate in stats, Blog UI meta-data, title, description and the embed instruction.
Language variables added to signup / email list block.
Sitemaps auto-generated and placed in root as sitemap.xml including blog posts.
OGP Tags.
Each blog post now has individual title + description meta tags - different to the blog page also which has it's own (SEO upgrade)
SEO User Interface
Modern, minimal and more user-friendly admin UI added! Beautiful responsive admin UI with a constant fixed sidebar and dropdown on mobile so all menu items, settings and help docs are just one-click away.
New Feature - Drag and drop navigation UI found under settings. Much easier to create navigation over sb_nav.txt for users who don't want to edit HTML links. You can also easily add sub-menu items, hide menu entries, or delete items, that are no longer needed.
"Branding" folder in Content>Media now includes all images to change branding. Logo, favicon, Apple Touch Icon and more in future. This is for easy replacement and also future images can go in here for easy changes by designer and user.
Added favicon + apple icon to login screen
If logged in, the top bar shows for logged in users on the front end (matching the settings) for short cut entries!
SweetAlerts added to user admin! Admin now gives alert messages of success, rather than just reloading to the dashboard. More intuitive.
Front-end editing now available! If logged in and browse the site, the user can edit the content without visiting the admin panel!
Auto focus on input fields when page loads for easier user experience
Pagination inside admin is also improved. No longer just 10 blocks and "next" and "previous" but also numbers for exact selection and also the amount of blocks to be shown can be set in the settings. This is all part of the new gorgeous UI.
Active links added to navigation menu! User can see what page they are on (in the front-end sites)
New Tags
Breadcrumb, Mailchimp, Recent Posts, Googlemaps, Policy, Search, Gallery tags, Social, OGP, Dropzone (upload client files), Navigation, SB_login, Masonry, Thumbnail, Domain, Blog List, Blog Show.
Upload templates is now possible from the admin! No need to SFTP to the server. Just upload a theme zip of the contents then select from the theme drawer in settings!
Themes chooser - you can add more themes in the template folder in sub-folders and select them from settings dropdown for easy template changing on the site.
Themes can also be set per page too for multi-theme sites.
Easy to flip front end home page from home > blog - if want to land on blog
Can flip admin landing page to dashboard, blog, stats etc. for more customised login
There is now a Google Analytics placeholder replacement tag. Add this to template.php to be replaced by Google Analytics added to the settings in admin UI
The per-page inline css/js and the general inline css/js in the settings page are now loaded for each page so you can overwrite the CSS/JS without looking in the template files on the server!
{{navigation}} tag added and it's autogenerated on load! The first run sets the menu up. This also includes sub-menu support and organization (drag and drop sub too!) You can also easily hide menu entries or delete items, that are no longer needed.
There is now a "body tag helper". This adds classes to the body tag depending on the context of the page so that CSS can be targeting styles more closely. E.g style just the About page or just the Contact page with a separate stylesheet or styles
Plugins can now also be updated! Drop the Zip into settings (Settings -- Extend -- Plugins) then start using the Tag in your blocks and pages!
The number of Tag variables (for developers) is now 6
Custom Post Types
Custom post types added and a new Champion tag. The idea is that a site selling books (for example) would have fields for ISBN, cover image, date published, price, availability etc. These can be created and managed from the settings panel. Then using the new tag, for example {{custom_post_type:book/hercules}} the custom post data will appear on the front end. Useful for listing data or create e-commerce sites.
Forms, Gallery, Slider tags better compatibility with Champion in subfolders
Upload media now using drag and drop for multiple files and ease of use
Media files can now be moved into other gallery folders. Subfolders can be created too (new media button)
New Masonry tag {{masonry:gallery1}} has been added! Image galleries can be autoformatted into a responsive masonry grid (the format for the masonry tag is {{masonry:gallery1:all}} The all parameter can be left off since its the default.)
Crop tool added so easily upload photos and then crop them to size without needing to use an external tool
Order images button in Media. Order images to latest uploaded. Handy if you want to show your latest images in a gallery / portfolio first (automatically). But want to show your best first? Re-order with drag and drop.
Upload images can now be resampled or original quality. Good for creating an upload repository for photographers for example.
Replace media link added - so can replace images in Media folder without having to delete, re-upload and then re-paste into Blocks. Overwrite with same filename.
New Slider framework latest flexslider version and upgraded to new gal format so {{slide:gallery1}}. The slide is {{slide:gallery1}} and shows all images. The slide uses the image alt and the link title attributes.
Images can now take links in the media page. The gallery.txt now can store a link url. This is done in the media item page where the caption and alt tags are set.
New tag {{thumbs:gallery1}} is now added. This is using the new galley load/save code. This allows you to make thumbnail links to galleries for quick portfolio sites with multiple galleries.
The admin gallery page now has an order button. This orders the galley items by upload/ modification date.
The media image edit now shows the alt tag text block. The captions editing/adding code has also been hugely reduced.
"Add image" in the editor now allows images to be selected from galleries and folders.
The media image edit now shows the ALT tag text block. Images / gallery / slider images now all have the ALT tag along with Title tag for better SEO and accessibility purposes.
Can now select media from sub-folders when editing blocks and pages - not just media root folder.
The gal tag now accepts the number of images in the second parameter eg {{gal:gallery1:all}} or {{gal:gallery1:5}} for last 5 images. The size default is all, so that can be left off (with or without inverted "" commas for convenience - they get stripped out).
New lightbox gallery in the {{gal}} tag. Much better touch and responsive, modern gallery. The caption is set by the link title and image alt tags for better.
Blog titles (filenames) can be anything - not “1.txt”, “2.txt” anymore!
When creating a blog post just hit "create" - no need to label "filename.txt" anymore - auto assigns an ID so quicker to get going and less complicated! And goes straight to blog post to start typing. No need to see the .txt and get confused!
Blog ordering is done! Blog articles are now ordered by the published date in the calendar UI pick-a-day, and not the .txt string.
The .txt extension is hidden on the admin blog/block/page list pages and dashboard and doesn't need to be shown during creation.
Filenames of blogs hidden from list of blogs page so less confusing for users.
Draft blog feature! Add "draft" before blog file name to put it in draft mode so "draft1". Delete "draft" to put it live!
RSS now works with http or https + tag content now appears in rss.php.
Blog page can now use an alternative template. In previous versions this wasn't possible and would result in a linking error.
Migrate / Import blog feature! Import your Wordpress, Tumblr, Blogger, RapidWeaver or any blog using an RSS / atom feed and migrate to Champion without manually porting it over! Text, videos and images included.
Blog import even more in-depth and powerful! Options added for the page extension name and max number of pages for a deeper and wider RSS crawl. It's now a more flexible approach to different kinds of sources and will loop through even long and heavy WordPress blogs over multiple pages with 100s of blog posts!
Blog now has tags in the META drawer, which can be seen on the front end too and when clicked show all posts in that tag. Blogs posts have the list of tags at the end of the post e.g. "#tag1 #tag2". If no tags are selected then the tag list at the end of the blog post does not appear.
Some great updates to the Blog engine. Now there are blog-related tags: {{blog:"":[[featured-image]] [[blog-content-loop(<> <> <> <> <>)]]}} So you can layout if you want your blog page to show author (taken from admin or editor names) date, featured images (add in media folder "featured_images" and the main content) or move these around in order of appearance. (The old {blog}} tag will still work. The first parameter to the blog tag is an optional prefix so passing an empty string keeps that working. You can add in here (without the "") the name of the blog to embed one of your blogs. Any of the square bracket tags can be left off, although blog-content-loop is needed to show the items)
There is a tag widget for editing tags!
Gorgeous date picker added for blog posts!
The blog meta-data for the date now uses the date format set in the config. The blog-item date tag is responsible for formatting the date for display. Easier to set-up and localization!
The locale and timezone are now set in one place in settings
The date is now locale-sensitive so dates showing in language and locale!
The settings have a blog date format which can be adjusted to include the day of week or time. The actual date still needs to be formatted here.
Extra meta-data added for blog posts and pages. Checkboxes for no follow/index and support for custom meta to fine-tune your SEO settings.
Blogs now have a url meta field!
RSS blog import converts input to UTF-8.
Blog layout now has Masonry option!! This can be found in the settings.
Blog list tag added for listing short version of the blog list items {{blog-list:"blog"}}. This shows the title/author/date for a blog.
Have more than 1 blog per Champion site! New tag - "blog-show" for showing any blog. For the blogs, sub-folders in the blog directory hold the blog data. Its exactly like Pages/Blocks.
Blog single posts now have "back" button to return to blog top page.
Blog preview button has the proper single post blog link!
There is now a blog and page "duplicate" button to make it easier to add more of the same content.
This includes featured images for blog posts!
Now add {{blog-tags}} (new tag) {{blog-tags:"blog"}} and prints all blog tags so can select what want to read - with numbers for amount of posts in each, and links!
Pagination is now also added for blog - so no longer just "next" and "previous" but numbers also for quicker access to bigger blogs.
Stats UI improvements in some languages & more variables added.
New Stats! Browsers, countries, devices and Systems added to stats package.
New - there is now a cache layer on the front-end output so sites are much faster as the server doesn't have to render the plug-ins or do any file handling etc. so good for performance. Exists for 24 hours and can be switched on/off in settings
Cache added! So front-end content appears faster and more reliable in the browser to speed up your Champion sites even more!
Form fix to block page reload sending the email again.
Form builder app - Just Forms added (to make multi-page interactive forms and surveys with form logic and stats).
New Just Forms Tag included in the Champion Core. Just add {{justforms}} to any page followed by options for form ID and form height and you can easily embed your forms e.g {{justforms:formid:height}} so {{justforms:1:300}}
Standard Contact form autoresponder for the {{form}} tag - any contact form submissions will automatically receive a thank you email from the admin address in config.php. You can change the message in the language files.
Form now has SMTP settings in the settings page.
reCAPTCHA added to the built-in contact {{form}} tag.
Config / settings edit option for contact form subject line has been added.
Option added to easily redirect {{form}} tag to a page upon successful submission. More than just a success message this can take users to a "thank you" page. And a whole variety of bug fixes (loads), problems and issues overcome and cleaned up!
## Champion 5.4.0
- Alpha release of Grand Escape theme.
- Major improvements with ChampionCMS updater. This makes it easier to upgrade going forward.
- After this version, you can pick and choose what files to update during an install.
- On update, files will be scanned for changes with a checksum. This lets you avoid overwriting files you have customized.
- Progress bar fixes during an update.
- Templates: Added $template_folder variable to allow templates to be more flexible and "pastable".
- Navigation tag allows sending custom classes to make templating easier.
- Fixed "No content found" bug when trying to update. Added various fixes to updater compatibility.
- Fixed blog search. Some templates have weak UX, but blog search functionally does work.
- Minor fix which affected some blog images, so they will show properly.
## Champion 5.3.12
- Navigation labels now allow multiple words. (Add a dash "-" for multi-word navigation.)
- More flexible blog routing code. Allows renaming of blogs without breaking old links. (Lookup by ID or title slug.)
- Default blog URLs are cleaner/shorter.
- Blog routing fix. Resolved issue which would cause some blog entries not to route correctly. (Especially old ones.)
- Case-insensitive comparisons for blog URL routing to avoid typos.
## Champion 5.3.11
- Redactor 3.4.1 Added
Including better pasting of text, line breaks, inserting and processing code in tags, lists and many more updates
- Latest Vue.js added which includes improvements for Inline Editing with RapidWeaver
- Editors can now delete items (pages/blog posts/etc)
- Editors can now also upload Media items
- Fix to syntax error in the Forms if a form field not filled in correctly
- Fix for the Manage User Group setting sometimes showing a "Undefined" error
- Fix for image links in OGP images adding Base URL twice
- The Gal, Masonry, Slider and Thumb tags now take the same arguments
- Lightbox fixes for Masonry, Thumb and Slider tags (Thanks John Robertson for reporting these!)
- Editor user now can create and edit Blog posts without errors
## Champion 5.3.10
- Just Forms now moved to its own domain. Please use this from now on to create new forms and update your sites to 5.3.10 to keep current forms working with the new tag. Access the builder from the Champion dashboard
- Text Editor now includes an option to open links in a new window
- CodeMirror now integrated for line numbers and easier to read HTML if editing content from the code view
- On install it sets up the default menu better so it's a little simpler for the demo first site Navigation
- Champion installs take up under 50Mb (more with templates and content) but should be small enough for majority of web hosts, but we've added a check on the install just in case
- Updated Redactor to 3.3.3 https://imperavi.com/redactor/log/
- PDF files are now visible in sub folders
- {{blog-show:blog}} is fixed to run correctly
- Logout as an Editor issue fixed
- Plugged in a fix to stop the inline Redactor from firing up when blog items are edited. The only way to edit them now is using the modal
- Template tag processing bug fixed
## Champion 5.3.9
- Olark Tag - you can now easily add an Olark Chat widget to your site using the {{olark:id=xxx-xxx-}} tag - thanks @armen!
- New Navigation Settings Widget! Better drag and drop, easier to make sub menus and nested menus, deleting is more intuitive, 3 levels deep sub menus are easy to make, non live items are in a new Pending column
- Users now stay on Navigation page after saving
- Improvements to Locked page login screen for client portals - takes branding from Media folder
- Improvement for Stats links that were truncated. The cutoff is now 60 characters instead of 30
- The WYSIWYG setting now controls also the Editor for Blog posts
- Added some error trapping when uploading Champion core updates that exceed the server upload limit. This happens when the upload is larger than the POST MAX SIZE limit. So uncommenting that in the .htaccess fixes this.
- The blog page wraps the blog data in its own inline edit widget
- The ##more## tag now doesn't appear for logged-in users when inline editing
- Bug fix for deleting all items in the Navigation Menu (as well as general deleting)
- Added support for percentage % characters in attribute strings for {{block_loop}} tag
- Updates to MailChimp Forms integration
- Embed titles missing on blog posts embed command is fixed
- Fix for special characters in blog and media
- Shop items now appearing in Ecommerce store and the JS errors have gone
- Inline editing now saves correctly
- Fix for Dropzone uploader tag PDF not working
- Fix for some users having a white screen after uploading 5.3.8. It is also recommended to use PHP 7.2 or higher as this is the current version getting security fixes: https://www.php.net/supported-versions.php
- Fix for selecting images from sub folders in inline editing mode
- Fix for blog editing working in inline edit - opens in its own modal with all the different fields
- Fix for blog item filtering removing dashes "-"
- Fix for the blog routing that was removing the string "blog", so subblogs containing the name "blog" were mangled
## Champion 5.3.8
- Added a Plugins & Tags Scanner page to the Account dropdown. This allows users to quickly see what plugins & tags are installed and a quick reference on how to use them.
- Added note in .htaccess about for working locally without SSL installed
- Added Redactor Editor 3.3.2
- More clear inline editing boxes
- There are some new translations in the language files for {{form}} tag on multi-lingual sites, including reCAPTCHA. The translations are used for the form labels if the user has not changed them in the admin settings.
- Duplicate Block button now redirects to the Block just created
- Local Font Awesome now running the latest v5 version and it loads everywhere so can now be easily accessed in Templates using the HTML calls without loading it again
- Plugged in a settings option for showing/hiding the Blog teaser image
- Allow for spaces and dashes in navigation urls and labels
- Added more possibilities to user group management. Added the picture element so access to images can be controlled via the user groups. This is limited to logged in users only though. The picture element has these attributes: source, alt tag, width and height. The media player now checks the user group access as well. Blog access can be controlled by setting the access rights on the blog page. On things like the admin stats page, that’s limited by the editor users.
- Inline editing Block in Block save improvement of icons and edit boxes
- Navigation front-end tag menu can now display nested sub-menus
Thanks @annett for this request
- Error with € in Ecommerce tag. This now fixed. HTML entities are also supported for the currency symbol now.
- Dropzone Icon now definitely appearing
- PDFs and other file types now re-appearing in Media Folders
- Improvement to Disqus comments embed in Blog posts
- All form fields are now in the message body
- CTRL+S (for Mac+PC) now saves updates in the WYSIWYG editor again
- Blog Featured Images selector can now access image folders
- Tag descriptions in Blogs not being deleted when updating between versions
- Blog Description Label is back in META drawer
- Blog Post Featured Image now has the correct URL
- Preview in Champion now goes to correct place if installed with RapidWeaver
- Broken link in media sub folder galleries now fixed
- Fix for Non-Champion URLs in Sub menus now handled properly
- Fix for hover bug in the admin navigation edit page
- Fix for Navigation Logged in Admin user Toolbar no longer going to double // when clicking the logo
## Champion 5.3.7
- Added Stripe Checkout Tag for quick buy now items on any page or block
- Added PayPal Tag for quick buy now items also
- It's easy to make Champion addons
- Various UI and UX improvements
- Moved the Managed Tags setting to under Blogs in General
- Moved Ecommerce and Users panes out of settings Extend and into the main side navigation
- There's also an option under Settings > Extend to disable Ecommerce and it will also disappear from the sidebar (and from Editors). It's on by default.
- Hyperlinked to Editor user from main Users page
- Linked to Manage User Groups from Users page
- Moved Update and Debug into the Account dropdown menu and only show for site Admin
- Moved Avatar Upload to General under Admin username
- Removed Navigation title from main sidebar
- Added website Navigation link to the main sidebar and out of General settings - and this only appears for Admin
- Pages icon improved in sidebar and alignment of icons on iPad
- Removed spacing at top of sidebar
- Integrate RapidWeaver option moved to Extend Plugins pane and improved translations
- Preview link in settings dropdown fixed again
- Stats layout Blocks not overlapping anymore on width
## Champion 5.3.6
- Champion is now PHP 7.0 or higher compatible only! This improves security and allows more powerful features for the future! Please update your server to PHP7 before proceeding...
- Extended image selector to now included featured images for Blogs
- Separated out blogs/media from open page
- Updated Redactor Editor to 3.3.0
- Update (install) function now blocks updating content, template and championcore/storage directories
- Champion Builder exporter improved
- Ships now with version history text
- Old blog tag fixed and is still supported.
- Sitemaps now fully support SSL as default
- Fix for the preview button which was pointing to the wrong place in RapidWeaver installs
- Fix for additional text appearing after Blog loop
- Blog link fix for blog posts on the second page or more
- Sub-blogs variety of fixes including {{blog-show}} tag fixes
## Champion 5.3.5 Patch fix
- Date string formatting switches to strftime if intl module is not available on the server
## Champion 5.3.5
- Videos and Audio in Media now appear as embed pages without autoplaying
- New Visual Sitemap tag so you can have a list of all pages for accessibility or if you want a visual sitemap for your pages (like a contents page of a book)
{{page-list}} will trigger this
- Tick boxes to make pages and blocks go live or in draft mode for much better usability. Thanks to @ezchile for this idea
(Blog posts already have a date set feature for this)
- Navigation menu builder has had some improvements.The entries appear with the mouse over and the menu uses the first entry for the link target of the menu name.
- Blog URLs from 5.3.3 now switched on as default!
- Masonry gallery update with Flexbox
## Champion 5.3.4
- Sites now force SSL as default. To switch this off uncomment in htaccess file
- Allow folders in Image Selector to be selectable from Media popup in the post editor
- Added "read more" link to {{recentposts_visual}} and this is now limited to 50 words
- Updated Redactor Editor to 3.2.0
- Tags parsing fix for Shop, Google Maps and Blog categories
- Blog dates fixed for some locales including Hungarian eg 27. jún 2019
- Admin dashboard has a date format fix
## Champion 5.3.3 Patch fix
- PHP 5 method / function signature fix
## Champion 5.3.3
- Better way to add Blog featured images with image popup and selector
- Re-ordering of images in media can now be dragged and dropped (great for when lots of images exist) with drop targets for next/previous pages
- URLs of the form blog/A-Very-Nice-Blog-Post or blog/subblog/A-Very-Nice-Blog-Post are now supported
- Extended Blog loop to make it more flexible. The current Blog tags all work but if wanted to separate the template fro the code use something like: {{blog-loop-start}} ...my own layout with divs, cards, whatever {{blog-title}} {{blog-content}} etc. {{blog-loop-end}}
- German language updates for Email newsletter copy
- Changed "Home" in the breadcrumb admin to "Home page" to represent the breadcrumb hierarchy as: Home page > admin > pages
- Made the installer clearer with new Administrator username requirement
- Improved usability handling after uploading an image
- Truncation is now based on number of words
- Also with {{recentposts_visual}} tag it now strips champion tags from a string - also removes ##more##
- Reduced ZIP install size again! Compressed images, cut down demo images and made video assets remote. And cut down core files such as unused Font Awesome and other dependencies.
- Featured image in Blog with social share - improvement to only show image OGP meta tags if there is a featured image or image within a blog post
- Dropzone upload icon back for Font Awesome 5
- Fix for Sweet alert error X image
- Hide bullets in Pages META
- Ecommerce / Shop table headers fixed to one line
- Better handles leading slashes in image URLs for {{recentposts_visual}}
- Fixed the Media Gallery sub folder sorting bug
- Plugged in a fix for showing audio/media files in the media folder
- CSS fix to ensure bullets appear for unordered lists in Editor mode
- Fix for editor adding blocks now adds the block to the editor block ACL list
## Champion 5.3.2
- Allow option for input on login username instead of dropdown - the select is now an input with a datalist
- Custom Post Types can now have multiple tags and basic audio/video/image support
- Added a blog-item-title tag to the Blog loop layout, so that can be moved around. That means the blog tag now needs parameters if the layout needs to change. The blog tag has become:
{{blog:"blog":"[[featured-image]] [[blog-content-loop(<> <> <> <> <>)]]"}}
- Cleaned up the Ecommerce Shop UI and added a currency drop down
- Blog post saving now handles save paths with more than one "content" sub string
- Improved error handling with user agent processing
- Gallery/Masonry - initialise and load baguetteBox more efficiently
- Redactor updated to 3.1.8 with various improvements and fixes
- Turned logging on for desktop blogging to help reverse engineer any possible MarsEdit issues
- Adding d.m.Y and free form option to the date settings..turned the date field into a textbox and added a datalist. The old select has been removed
- German dates in dashboard improved for Windows with new dependency to help compatibility and rendering
- Custom post type tag has the new css class and html cleanup - thanks @ezchile
- Usergroup - access control is now only for logged in users on block content
- Update composer installed packages (PHPMailer specifically)
- {{recentposts_visual}} - Issues with title link and image path now fixed
- {{recentposts_visual}} bug fix for images in the blog
- Link images on sample page for Onepage-creative template are now correct as a sub template
- Preview error when blog is in draft mode has been fixed
- The blog search no longer shows content from the admin area (blocks not in use and draft entries)
- Fix for the page not showing after been added for some user groups
- Fixes for the OGP featured images. Champion now uses featured images for blog items (if they exist), the body tag has been refactored and there is a open graph image loading fix (per page)
- Small bug fix for social exposure tag regarding sharing
- User roles - editor access checking. Bug fix for handling missing GET parameters more gracefully
- Admin - breadcrumbs helper - handle change of admin folder name properly
- Recent posts no date parameter fixed. Eg {{recentposts_visual:"5":"blog":"false":"200"}} will omit the date
## Champion 5.3.1
- Language/locale setting for HTML HEAD tag. Allow to vary per page. NB the default is the language setting in the configs. Thanks to @norm from Blocs app for this idea
- New tag: {{recentposts_visual}} - this adds more control over the {{recentposts}} blog loop including auto image scanning, preview text and more
- New social_exposure feature replaces the deprecated {{ogp}} tag and pulls in images from a dedicated media folder - with options all in settings for the default and more social media integration
- LinkedIn button added to {{social}} Share tag and replaces the now defunct Google+
- Backup has been extended to also include tags, plugins and other custom things in the inc folder added by users
- The OGP is now using /media/branding/champion5_banner.jpg as the default
- Store / Shop page example added to Pages folder with tag inserted as an example store
- Added ip-api.com for non-commercial sites as another Geo-IP option
- Tweak to btn css selectors to be more specific so there is less chance of a clash with integrations like custom Themes or Blocs app - thanks to @norm for the suggestion
- Champion commerce is now updated and improved:
* You can select another currency like EUR and all the currency symbols should now work
* The products editing screen has been improved for editing
* PayPal checkout page is working
* You can now add individual shipping amounts per item
* The tag has been updated to: {{unishop:"test@this.that":"USD":"$":"US":"0":"/paypal_ok":"/paypal_cancel"}}
- Search now works correctly with Champion installations in subfolders
- Check back button solution doesn't always go to root (from page 2 of Blog for example). Use referrer if it exists
- Tracker fixes - user agent processing handle missing headers more gracefully
- Renaming Media issue has been fixed
- Blog pagination fix for different blog url prefixes
- Update {{recentposts}} to work with multi-blogs
- Fixed {{cookieconsent}} tag errors
## Champion 5.3
- Champion Commerce released! Add a quick shopping cart of products to any Champion site and edit the products from the Champion dashboard. No install nor database needed.
- Use the new Champion Tag: {{unishop:"test@this.that":"USD":"US":"0":"/paypal_ok":"/paypal_cancel"}}
The arguments are: PayPal email, currency, locale, no_shipping, return url and the cancel url.
- Manage your Products by going to Settings > Extend > Manage Store
## Champion 5.2.3
- Two new amazing Bootstrap templates from StartBootstrap.com: Creative and Coming Soon. Select them right from within Champion - thanks to @sharif for these!
- Breadcrumbs are now localised
- Added Mailchimp lang settings and other tags
- Developer: Theme selected has an added array for CSS, Saas, font, assets etc
- Option to cancel Blog heading link if want a single page Blog
- Navigation updated to allow for Classes if needed
For the navigation tag you can use {{navigation}} still or something like {{navigation:"all":"css classes"}}
The first parameter is the label parameter which is used to select a menu. The default is "all".
- Allow other pages than home to be used via Settings in Admin
- Redactor updated to 3.1.7 with fixes to Vimeo embed, RTL text, ImageFigure and others
- Changed order undo/redo and underline in WYSIWYG toolbar
- The filtering for submenu names has been improved. We've updated the filters to allow for UTF8 letters and digits.
- UTF-8 now set in the backup emails
- Updated Font Awesome so now in sync. Backend and Default demo now both run off 5.2.0 with admin using local SVGs added also
- Added error message now shown in user management. The status messages now have an optional level
- When Editor is switched off it also won't appear on the login
- Z-index of inline edit toolbar is higher as it was under elements on some page setups
- RSS importer improvements for WordPress feeds
- The featured images are now used in the OGP tag. That can be changed by embedding an {{ogp:image}} in the blog item content.
- The gal tag now handles sub folders properly. Added a third tag (values "yes" or "no", default "no" ) for showing all of the images in a folder or not.
- Redactor image chooser now including images in sub folders
- Redundant text in the menus - submenu items have folder name removed
- Fix for OTP password encoding in forgot your password? emails
## Champion 5.2.2
- Detect missing .txt on files and handle them better
- Sample.htaccess to mirror included htaccess for file upload parameters as a prompt if needed
- Fixed cache clearing on the open pages as a precaution
- Admin - edit items handle no user group more gracefully
- Added error message for the no group case and disabled the redirect to the groups page (when there are no groups)
- User management improvement - consolidate per page and group resource access. The group access list is now the ground truth. The page/block group setting now adjusts this too.
- User management improvements - renames/deletes now update the user group permissions
- Added graceful notifications to Championcore updates! Thanks @jdlouden for the idea (shows error messages and the upload size allowed)
- Updated Redactor to 3.1.6
- Handle Open Live Writer editing Blog posts more gracefully
- Add an option in {{recentposts}} to not show date. Add a third parameter for tag, anything other than an empty string is taken to turn the date display off (e.g. 1)
- Redactor Editor screen now has a minimum height of 380px so that it is not too small when opening a Block for the first time with no content inside
- Champion now checks the permissions of content/backups and content/stats in the installer and skip daily backups if no content/backups and log an error message - thanks to @norm from Blocs app for this suggestion
- Added some error trapping for the admin navigation management page for non UTF-8 characters
- Logout too quick - bug fix and regenerate session ID for logged in users
- RecentPosts tag no longer show draft items
- When change admin path in settings it no longer breaks the site
- Fix for Backup download error on some environments
- Page rename filtering fixed for pages with non UTF-8 characters
## Champion 5.2.1
- Errors when creating users
## Champion 5.2BETA5
- Unlimited user management added! It's now possible to add as many users as you'd wish via the Admin settings and assign them Admin, Editor or Guest roles. You'll now be able to add more contributors to big sites like schools and universities or for membership sites for private communities. The block/page editor can set which groups are allowed access.
- Allow users to change the avatar from the Admin Settings (rather than just Media folder)
- Redactor updated from 3.1.4 to 3.1.5
- Added a failsafe check for Media folder/images when users add them via FTP and not the admin uploader - so the Media folder and Admin view is in sync
- php mailer now moved to vendor directory
- Added some logic to stop the GEO IP call if the key is missing (for the services that need them).
- Removed the old default freegeoip for the stats since it's now deprecated
- Better country detection for GeoIP
- Improved the Blog Api for integration with desktop blogging apps like OpenLiveWriter. The blog cache might need to be cleared in storage/cache to see the fix
- Improved RSS importer for RapidWeaver 8 and Armadillo in particular
- Added a new safety check to raise an error if the old config.json cant be backed up or doesn't exist
- Regenerate the json config if needed
- Selecting/unselecting delete and activate in Navigation Menu Settings now sets the menu items too. Save works correctly
- Drag and drop images order in Media is now working correctly
- Fixed Footer showing JSON on install. The fix is to ensure the template parses footer blocks instead of just including them. So use {{block:copyright}} instead of including it.
- Installer Bug fix
- Plugged in an update for the redactor alignment bug. The fix is to allow figures in the output (imageFigure setting for redactor).
- Champion now applies the Page Description correctly. The "Page Description" is now used if "Custom META description" is empty.
## Champion 5.2BETA4
- Redactor from 3.1.1 to 3.1.4
- Added a cookie consent tag!
Eg {{cookieconsent:#000:#f1d600:edgeless:bottom:www.site.com}}
Variables are: popup background, button background, themes, position
- Switched over some code to non jQuery
- Date of last revision added to policy/T&C tag
NB this defaults to the last time the file was changed if the third tag parameter is not present
- Added an intermediate step to the Champion install updates process that lists the files that will be overwritten. The .htaccess and anything in the content directory are flagged
- PHPMailer updated to the latest version
- Backspace/delete not working in Tables within Redactor WYSIWYG Blocks
- Removed snoopi service from geoip options
- Sub folders under pages - bug fix for names ending with periods
- Updating error when Champion is in a sub folder is now fixed
- Plugged in fix for error with blog loading in some cases. Thanks to @jprezleon
## Champion 5.2BETA3
- Added css classes to the pagination view helper so pagination links can be styled or hidden by adding a class to the Champion template
- Reverse blog option in settings, so newest posts appear last. Useful for an events page or needing oldest first ordering
- Added few more buttons to backend Redactor toolbar: Underline, Undo, Redo. So can now undo easily content changes!
- Added an option in Form Settings to hide the GDPR consent box in forms (for users who don't need it)
- Added a page cookie agree pop up tag for GDPR! {{gdpr}}
- Global Saving added to Inline Editing! So 1-click save can also clearly save all the edits to make it even easier to use
- Non-Champion links in the Navigation can now also open in New Window
- Changed the {{recentposts}} link so the date is not in highlight; just the title next to it. Thanks @RHKay
- Switched off